By "memory blues" we include all sorts of memory challenges whether they are called "Alzheimer's" or some other related dementia or acquired brain injury. Others can worry about clinical niceties while here we focus on managing these challenges and enjoying life.

By "dancing away" we include all sorts of activities which enrich lives of persons with these challenges.

Entries below are results of a thorough review of literature representing what we know about these activities. Annotated results are grouped into six categories.

You can contribute comments and contribute via email for us to add to these results. Email to:

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Research, Our Questions, Comments on Results

At the end of January 2007 I posed several questions for fellow travelers I'm in contact with by email. Twenty five responded and almost all gave multiple responses, which added up to eighteen pages of ten font single spaced data.

The questions were about how persons manage their challenges and what they do to enrich their lives. The results show clearly that our fellow travelers are quite eloquent on these issues.

This led to commissioning a thorough review of existing studies of life enriching activities. Results of this literature review turned out to be more important than we had imagined and will be published in proper research style.

This research was done in proper scholarly style so that we could look at unbiased results for answers to three questions:

1 What do we know about means for enriching lives of persons having memory blues?

2 Can these means be helpful to these persons living at home?

3 Can information technologies be used to help implement these means for these persons living at home?

Here I and others will comment on what these research results tell us about our three questions.

The alphabetical list of references is posted. As I post annotated results in six categories, I and others will post more comments. Comments are welcome from anyone reading this blog.

The six categories for annotated results are:
1 - Music
2 - Visual Arts
3 - Drama
4 - Dance & Movement
5 - Mixed & Miscellaneous
6 - Other Activities

We learned very little about the second and third of our questions above. About the first question we learned that what we know is mainly suggestive.

Our review thus turns to identification of improvements needed to answer our questions and address issues giving rise to our questions.

Key empirical improvements needed are:

1 more adequate specifications of study design, more adequate specifications of activities, and more adequate specifications of methods;

2 more adequate measurement tools;

3 more adequate use of life enrichment measures rather than clinical outcomes; and

5 more adequate systematic analysis of data.

Key substantive improvements needed are:

1 more direct testimony by persons living with challenges;

2 more focus on life enriching values of process rather than than clinical outcome products;

3 more inclusion of persons with early stage challenges; and

4 more attention to persons living at home (most studies are in skilled care facilities).

When the literature review is published it will include a major section on designing studies which can better answer our questions and a major section on designing studies so that the results are more reliable for addressing issues giving rise to our questions.

Friday, April 18, 2008

References in Alphabetical Order

These are the references reviewed in our literature search in alphabetical order. We'll also post them in category order with annotations.

The categories will be:
1 - Music
2 - Visual Arts
3 - Drama
4 - Dance & Movement
5 - Mixed & Miscellaneous
6 - Other Activities

The search found 236 articles of which 183 were deemed relevant. Details of the search, findings, conclusions, etc. will be posted separately.

Aldridge, D. (2003). Music therapy references relating to cancer and palliative care. British Journal of Music Therapy, 17(1), 17-25.

Aldridge, D. (2000). Music Therapy in Dementia Care. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Aldridge, D. (1998). Music Therapy and the treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease. Journal of Clinical Geropsychology, 4(1), 17-30.

Aldridge, D. & Aldridge, G. (1992). Two epistemologies: music therapy and medicine in the treatment of dementia. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 19, 243-255.

Alessi, C.A.; Yoon, E.J.; Schnelle, J.F. et al. (1999). A randomized trial of a combined physical activity and environmental intervention in nursing home residents: do sleep and agitation improve? Journal of the American Geriatric Society, 47, 784-791.

Allan, K. & Killick, J. (2000). The arts in dementia care: Undiminished possibility. Journal of dementia care, 8, 3, 16-18.

Arakawa-Davies, K. (1997). Dance/movement therapy and reminiscence: a new approach to senile dementia in Japan. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 24(3), 291-299.

Argyle, E. & Bolton, G. (2005). Art in the community for potentially vulnerable mental health groups. Health Education, 105(5), 340-354.

Ashida, S. (2000). The effect of reminiscence music therapy sessions on changes in depressive symptoms in elderly persons with dementia. Journal of Music Therapy, 37, 170-182.

Banks-Wallace, J. (2002). Talk that talk: storytelling and analysis rooted in African-American oral tradition. Qualitative Health Research, 12, 410-426.

Basting, A.D. (2006). Arts in Dementia Care: ‘This Is Not the End...It's the End of This Chapter.’ Generations, 30(1), 6-20.

Basting, A.D. (2001). ‘God is a talking horse’: dementia and the performance of self.
The Drama Review, 45(3), 78-94.

Batson, P. (1998). Drama as therapy: bringing memories to life. Journal of Dementia Care, 6, 19-21.

Beaujon-Couch, J. (1997). Behind the veil: mandala drawings by dementia patients. Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 14(3),187-193.

Berrol, C.F. (2000). The spectrum of research options for dance/movement therapy. American Journal of Dance Therapy, 22(1), 29-46.

Bober, S.J.; McLellan, E.; McBee, L.; & Westreich, L. (2002). The Feelings Art Group a vehicle for personal expression in skilled nursing home residents with dementia. Journal-of-Social-Work-in-Long-Term-Care, 1(4), 73-87.

Bright, R. (1992). Music Therapy in the Management of Dementia. In B. Miesen & G. Jones (Eds.), Caregiving in Dementia: Research and Applications. London: Routledge.

Brooker, D.J. & Woolley, R.J. (2007). Enriching opportunities for people living with dementia: the development of a blueprint for a sustainable activity-based model. Aging and Mental Health, 11(4), 371-383.

Brooker, D.J.; Woolley, R.J. & Lee, D. (2007). Enriching opportunities for people living with dementia in nursing homes: an evaluation of a multi-level activity-based model of care. Aging and Mental Health, 11(4), 361-370.

Brooker, D.J. & Duce, L. (2000). Well-being and activity in dementia: a comparison of group reminiscence therapy, structured goal-directed activity, and unstructured time. Aging and Mental Health, 4 (4), 354-358.

Brotons, M. & Koger, S.M. (2000). The Impact of Music Therapy on Language Functioning in Dementia. Journal of Music Therapy, XXXVII, 183-195.

Brotons, M. & Marti, P. (2003). Music therapy with Alzheimer’s patients and their family caregivers: a pilot project. Journal of Music Therapy, 40, 138-150.

Bugos, J.A.; Perlstein, W.M.; McCrae, C.S.; Brophy, T.S.; & Bedenbaugh, P.H. (2007). Individualized Piano Instruction enhances executive functioning and working memory in older adults. Aging and Mental Health, 11(4), 464-471.

Butterfield-Whitcomb, J. (1994). “I would weave a song for you”: Therapeutic music and milieu for dementia residents. Activities, Adaptation and Aging, 18(2), 57-74.

Butterfield-Whitcomb, J. (1993). The way to go home: Creating comfort through therapeutic music and milieu. American Journal of Alzheimer's Care and Related Disorders and Research, 8(6), 1-10.

Byres, A. (1995). Beyond marks: working with people with severe memory loss. Inscape, 1, 13-18.

Camberg, L.; Woods, P.; & Ooi, W.L. (1999). Evaluation of simulated presence: A personalized approach to enhance well-being in persons with AD. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 47(4), 446-452.

Camp, C. J. & Skrajner, M.J. (2004). Resident-assisted Montessori programming (RAMP): training persons with dementia to serve as group activity leaders. The Gerontologist, 44(3), 426-431.

Carruth, E. (1997). The effects of singing and the spaced retrieval technique on improving face-name recognition in nursing home residents with memory loss. Journal of Music Therapy, 34(3), 165-186.

Cartwright, J.C.; Archbold, P.G.; Stewart, B.J.; & Limandri, B. (1994). Enrichment Processes in Family Caregiving to Frail Elders. Advances in Nursing Science, 17(1), 31-43.

Casson, J. (1994). Flying towards Neverland. Dramatherapy, 36(2/3), 2-7.

Cheston, (1998). Psychotherapeutic work with people with dementia: A review of the literature. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 71, 211-231.

Chung, J. (2004). Activity Participation and Well-being of People with dementia in long term care settings. Occupation, Participation, and Health, 24(1), 22-31.

Chaudhury, H. (2003). Remembering Home through Art. Alzheimer’s Care Quarterly, 4(2), 119-124.

Christie, M.E. (1992). Music therapy applications in a skilled and intermediate care nursing home facility: A clinical study. Activities, Adaptation and Aging, 16(4), 69-87.

Clair, A.A. (1996). The effect of singing on alert responses in persons with late stage dementia. Journal of Music Therapy, 33(4), 234-247.

Clark, M.E.; Lipe, A.W. & Bilbrey, M. (1998). Use of music to decrease aggressive behaviors in people with dementia. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 24(7), 10-17.

Coaten, R. (2001). Exploring reminiscence through dance and movement. Journal of Dementia Care, 9, 19-22.

Cohen-Mansfield, . (2005). Nonpharmacological Interventions for Persons with Dementia. Alzheimer, 6, 129-145.

Crighton, S. (1997). Moving is the language I use, Communication is my goal. Journal of Dementia Care, 5, 16-17.

Crown, H. (1989). A shared journey: art therapy in the treatment of a woman with Pick’s disease. American Journal of Art Therapy, 28, 26.

Cuddy, L.L. & Duffin, J. (2005). Music, memory, and Alzheimer’s disease: is music recognition spared in dementia, and how can it be assessed? Medical Hypotheses, 64, 229-235.

Daykin, N.; McClean, S. & Bunt, L. (2007). Creativity, identity and healing: participants’ accounts of music therapy in cancer care. health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine, 11(3), 349-370.

Daykin, N. (2005). Disruption, dissonance and embodiment: Creativity, health and risk in music narratives. health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine, 9(1), 67-87.

Dent-Brown, K. & Wang, M. (2006). The mechanism of storymaking: a grounded theory study of the 6-part story method. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 33, 316-330.

Devlin, B. (2006). AddedThe art of healing and knowing in cancer and palliative care. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 12(1), 16-19.

Dewdney, I. (1975). An Art Therapy Program for Geriatric Patients. In E. Ulman, (Ed.), Art therapy in theory and practice (Chapter 9). New York: Schocken Books.

Donald, J. & Hall, S. (1999). Dance: The Getting There Group. Journal of Dementia Care, 7(3), 25-27.

Doric-Henrdy, L. (1997). Pottery as Art Therapy with Elderly Nursing Home Residents. Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 14, 162-171.

Dowd S.B, & Davidhizar, R. (2004). Chess and gardening: the Rx for Alzheimer's?
Caring : National Association for Home Care Magazine, 23(6), 34-38

Dowd S.B, & Davidhizar, R. (2003). Can mental and physical activities such as chess and gardening help in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's? Healthy aging through stimulation of the mind. Journal of Practical Nursing, 53(3), 11-13.

Ehrenfeld, M. (2003). Using therapeutic dolls with psychogeriatric patients. In Schaefer C.E. (Ed.), Play therapy with adults. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Ehrenfeld, M. & Bergman, R. (1995). The therapeutic use of dolls. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 31, 21-22.

Espinel, C.H. (1996). de Kooning’s Late Colours and Forms: Dementia, Creativity, and the Healing Power of Art. The Lancet, 347 (9008), 1096-1099.

Garwin, L. (2007). Harmony of the Hemispheres. Nature, 449, 977.

Gerdner, L.A. (2005). Use of individualized music by trained staff and family: Translating research into practice. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 31(6), 22-30.

Gerdner, L.A. (2000). Effects of individualized versus classical relaxation music on the frequency of agitation in elderly persons with Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders. International Psychogeriatrics, 12, 49-65.

Gerdner, L.A. (1999). Individualized music intervention protocol. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 25(10), 10-16.

Gersie, A. (1991). Storymaking in bereavement: dragons fight in the meadow. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Gibson, F. (1994). What can reminiscence contribute to people with dementia? In Bornat J. (Ed.), Reminiscence Reviewed: Perspectives, Evaluations, Achievements (pp 53). Buckingham: Open University Press.

Gigliotti, C.M.; Jarrott S.E.; & Yorgason, J. (2004). Harvesting Health: effects of three types of horticultural therapy activities for persons with dementia. Dementia 3(2), 161-180.

Glynn, N.J. (1992). The music therapy assessment tool in Alzheimer’s patients. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 18(1), 3-9.

Godfrey, S. (1994). Doll therapy. Australian Journal of Ageing, 13(1), 46.

Grant, M. (2005). Improving quality of life for Department of Veterans Affairs nursing home residents through music and art. Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development, 42(5), XI-XII.

Groene, R.W. (1993). Effectiveness of music therapy—1:1 intervention with individuals having senile dementia of the Alzheimer's type. Journal of Music Therapy, 30(3), 138-157.

Halpern A.R.; Ly, J.; Elkin-Frankston, S. & O’Connor, M.G. (2008). "I Know What I Like": Stability of aesthetic preference in Alzheimer's patients. Brain and Cognition, 66(1), 65-72.

Hannemann, B.T. (2006). Creativity with Dementia Patients: Can Creativity and Art Stimulate Dementia Patients Positively? Gerontology, 52(1), 59-65.

Hanser, S.B. (2005). Challenges of music therapy in a world of need. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 32(3), 217-224.

Harlan, J. (1990). Beyond the patient to the person: promoting aspects of autonomous functioning in individuals with mild to moderate dementia. American Journal of Art Therapy, 28, 99-105.

Heath, Y. (2004). Evaluating the effect of therapeutic gardens. American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias, 19, 239-242.

Hellestrom, I.; Nolan, M.; & Lundh, U. (2007). Sustaining ‘Couplehood’: Spouses strategies for living positively with dementia. Dementia, 6(3), 383-409.

Hill, H. (1999). Dance Therapy and Communication in Dementia. Signpost, 4(1), 13-14.

Holmes, C.; Knights, A.; Dean. C.; Hodkinson, S. & Hopkins, V. (2006). Keep music live: music and the alleviation of apathy in dementia subjects. International Psychogeriatrics, 18(4), 623-630.

James, I.F.; MacKenzie, L.; & Mukaetova-Landiska, E. (2006). Doll use in care homes for people with dementia. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 21(11), 1093-1098.

James, I,F.; Reichelt, K.; Morse, R; Mackenzie, L.; & Mukaetova-Ladinska, E. (2005). The Therapeutic Use of Dolls in Dementia Care. Journal of Dementia Care, 13(3), 19-21.

Jenny, S. & Oropeza, M. (1993). Memories in the Making: A Program of Creative Arts Expression for Alzheimer’s Patients. Alzheimer’s Association of Orange County, California: California.

Jensen, S.M. (1997). Multiple pathways to self: A multisensory art experience. Art Therapy Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 14, 178-186.

Jennings, B. & Vance, D. (2002). The short-term effects of music therapy on different types of agitation in adults with Alzheimer’s. Activities, Adaptation and Aging, 26, 27-33.

Jerrome, D. (1999). Circles of the Mind. Journal of Dementia Care, 7(3), 20-24.

Johnson, C.M. & Sullivan-Marx, E.M. (2006). Art Therapy: Using the Creative Process for Healing and Hope Among African American Older Adults. Geriatric Nursing, 27, 5, 309-316.

Johnson, C.M.; Lahey, P.; & Shore, A. (1992). An Exploration of Creative Arts therapeutic group work on an Alzheimer’s unit. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 19(4), 269-277.

Jonas-Simpson, C. & Mitchell, G.J.. (2005). Giving voice to expressions of quality of life for persons living with dementia through story, music, and art. Alzheimer's Care Quarterly, 6(1), 52-61.

Kahn-Denis, K. (1997). Art therapy with geriatric dementia clients. Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association,14(3), 194-199.

Kamar, O. (1997). Light and Death: Art Therapy with a patient with Alzheimer’s Disease. American Journal of Art Therapy, 35, 120-121.

Kamar, O. (1997). Light and Death: art therapy with a patient with Alzheimer’s disease. American Journal of Art Therapy, 35, 120-121.

Killick, J. (2003). Funny and sad and friendly: A drama project in Scotland. Journal of Dementia Care, 11, 1, 24-26.

Killick, J. (2002). Holding a rainbow in our hands: art activities with people with dementia. Signpost, 6,3, 20-21.

Killick, J. (2001). The Power of Song. Elderly Care, 12,10, 12-13.

Killick, J. (2000). Storytelling and Dementia. Elderly Care, 12, 2, 8-10.

Killick, J. (1999). Pathways through pain: a cautionary tale. Journal of Dementia Care, 7, 1, 222-235.

Killick, J. & Allan, K. (2006). The Good Sunset Project: inside the interactions. Journal of Dementia Care, 14, 2, 27-29.

Killick, J. & Allan, K. (2000). Undiminished possibility: the arts in dementia care. Journal of Dementia Care, 7, 1, 22-24.

Killick, J. & Allan, K. (1999a). The arts in dementia care: tapping a rich resource. Journal of Dementia Care, 7, 4, 35-38.

Killick, J. & Allan, K. (1999b). The arts in dementia care: touching the human spirit. Journal of Dementia Care, 7, 5, 33-37.

Killick K. & Greenwood, H. (1995). Research in art therapy with people who have severe learning difficulties. In A. Gilroy and C. Lee (Eds.), Art and music therapy and research. London: Routledge.

Kinney, J. & Rentz, C. (2005). Observed well-being among individuals with dementia: Memories in the Making, an art program, versus other structured activity. American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease and other Dementias, 20(4), 220-227.

Kolanowski, A. & Richards, K. (2002). Introverts and extroverts: leisure activity behavior in persons with dementia. Activities, Adaptation, and Aging, 26(4),1-16.

Korlin, D. & Wrangsjo, B. (2002). Treatment effects of guided imagery and music (GIM) therapy. Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, 11(1), 3-15.

Kovach, C. & Henschel, H. (1996). Planning activities for patients with dementia. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 22(9), 33-38.

Krout, R. (2007). Music listening to facilitate relaxation and promote wellness: integrated aspects of our neurophysiological responses to music. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 34(2),

Kumar, A.; Tims, F.; Cruess, D. et al. (1999). Music therapy increases serum melatonin levels in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Alternative Therapies, 5(6), 49-57.

Kydd, P. (2001). Using music therapy to help a client with Alzheimer’s disease adapt to long-term care. American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias, 16, 2, 103-108.

Lev-Wiesel, R. & Hirshenzon-Segev, E. (2003). Alzheimer’s disease as reflected in self-figure drawings of diagnosed patients. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 30, 83-89.

Libin, A. & Cohen-Mansfield, J. (2004). Therapeutic robocat for nursing home residents with dementia: preliminary inquiry. American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias, 19, 111-116.

Lipe, A.W. (1991). Using music therapy to enhance the quality of life in a client with Alzheimer's dementia: A case study. Music Therapy Perspectives, 9, 102-105.

Lou, M.F. (2001). The use of music to decrease agitated behaviour of the demented elderly: the state of the science. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 15, 165-173.

MacKenzie, L.; James, I.A.; Morse, R.; Mukaetova-Landiska, E.; & Reichelt, F.K. (2006). A pilot study on the use of dolls for people with dementia. Age and Ageing, 35(4), 441-444.

Malley, S.M., Datillo, J. & Gast, D. (2002), Effects of visual arts instruction on the mental health of adults with mental retardation and mental illness. Mental Retardation, 40(4), 278-296.

Marshall, M. & Hutchingson, S. (2001). A critique of research on the use of activities with persons with Alzheimer’s Disease: a systematic literature review. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 35(4), 488-496.

Martin, R. & Stepath, S. (1993). Psychodrama and reminiscence for the geriatric psychiatric patient. Journal of Group Psychotherapy, Psychodrama & Sociometry, 45- 139-148.

Mavely, R. & Mitchell, G.J. (1994). Consider Karaoke. Canadian Nurse, 22-24.

Mayers, K.S. (2003). Play for individuals with dementia. In Schaefer C.E. (Ed.), Play therapy with adults. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

McCloskey, L.J. (1990). The silent heart sings. Generations, winter, 63-65.

McKee, K.J.; Wilson, F.; Chung, M.C.; Hinchliff, S.; Goudie, F.; Elford, H. et al. (2005). Reminiscence, regrets and activity in older people in residential care: Associations with psychological health. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 44, 543-562.

Mell, J.C.; Howard, S.M.; B.L. Miller. (2003). Art and the brain: The influence of frontotemporal dementia on an accomplished artist. American Academy of Neurology, 60, 1707-1710.

Millard, K. & Smith, J. (1989). The influence of group singing therapy on the behaviour of Alzheimer's disease patients. Journal of Music Therapy, 26(2), 58-70.

Miller, B.L.; Boone, K.; Cummings, J.L.; Read, S.L.; & Mishkin, F. (2000). Functional correlates of musical and visual ability in frontotemporal dementia. British Journal of Psychiatry, 176, 458-463.

Miller, B.L.; Cummings, J.; Mishkin, F.; Boone, K.; Prince, F.; Ponton, M.; & Cotman, C. (1998). Emergence of artistic talent in frontotemporal dementia. American Academy of Neurology, 51, 978-982.

Miller, B. (1984). Art therapy with the elderly and the terminally ill. In T. Dalley (Ed.),
Art as Therapy (pp 128-129). London: Routledge.

Moore, D. (2001). It’s like a gold medal and it’s mine – dolls in dementia care. Journal of Dementia Care, 9(6), 20-23.

Newell-Walker, U. (2002). Getting a picture of the client’s world view: art-making and subjectivity as evidence. Journal of Social Work Practice,16(1), 43-54.

Nguyen, Q. & Paton, C. (2008). The use of aromatherapy to treat behavioural problems in dementia. International journal of geriatric psychiatry, 23(4), 337-346.

Noice, H. & Noice, T. (2006). What Studies of Actors and Acting Can Tell Us About Memory and Cognitive Functioning. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 15, 14-18.

Norberg, A.; Melin, E. & Asplund, K. (2003). Reactions to music, touch and object presentation in the final stage of dementia: an exploratory study. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 40, 473-479.

Nystrom, K. & Lauritzen, S.O. (2005). Expressive Bodies: demented persons' communication in a dance therapy context. Health, 9(3), 297-317.

Larner, A.J. (2005). Gardening and dementia. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 20(8), 796.

Lee, Y. & Kim, S. (2007). Effects of indoor gardening on sleep, agitation, and cognition in dementia patients-a pilot study. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry,

O’Callaghan, C. & McDermott, F. (2004). Music therapy’s relevance in a cancer hospital researched through a constructivist lens. Journal of Music Therapy, 41(2), 151-185.

Odell-Miller, H.; Hughes, P. & Westacott, M. (2006). An investigation into the effectiveness of the arts therapies for adults with continuing mental health problems.
Psychotherapy Research, 16(1), 122-139.

Olderog-Millard, K.A. & Smith, J.M. (1989). The influence of group singing therapy on the behavior of Alzheimer’s disease patients. Journal of Music Therapy, 26, 58-70.

Orr, P. Treating the whole person: a combination of medical and psychiatric treatment for older adults. (1997). Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 14(3), 200-205.

Orsulic-Jeras, S.; Judge, K.; & Camp, C. (2000).Use of Montessori-based activities for clients with dementia in adult day care: effects on engagement. American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias, 15(1), 42-46.

Pendzik, S. (2006). On dramatic reality and its therapeutic function in drama therapy
The Arts in Psychotherapy, 33, 271-289.

Perrin, T. (1998). Lifted into a world of rhythm and melody. Journal of Dementia Care, 6, 20-24.

Phinney, A.; Chaudhury, H.; & O’Connor, D. (2007). Doing as much as I can do: The meaning of activity for people with dementia. Aging and Mental Health, 11(4), 384-393.

Pollack, N. & Namazi, K. (1992). The effect of music participation on the social behaviour of Alzheimer's disease patients. Journal of Music Therapy, 29(1), 54-67.

Prickett, C.A. & Moore, R.S. (1991). The use of music to aid memory of Alzheimer's patients. Journal of Music Therapy, 28(2), 101-110.

Rentz, C.A. (2002). Memories in the Making©: Outcome-based evaluation of an art program for individuals with dementing illnesses. American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias, 17(3), 175-181.

Reynolds, F. & Lim, K.H. (2007). Contribution of visual art making to subjective well-being of women living with cancer: a qualitative study. The Arts in Psychotherapy,
34(1), 1-10.

Reynolds, F. & Vivat, B. (2006). Narratives of art-making in chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis: three case studies. The Arts in Psychotherapy,
33(5), 435-445.

Robinson, L.; Hutchings D.; & Corner, L. et al. (2006). A systematic literature review of the effectiveness of non-pharmacological interventions to prevent wandering in dementia and evaluation of the ethical implications and acceptability of their use. Health Technology Assessment, 10, 26.

Rusted, J.; Sheppard, L.; & Waller, D. (2006). A Multi-centre Randomized Control Group Trial on the Use of Art Therapy for Older People with Dementia. Group Analysis, 39, 4, 517-536.

Sambandham, M. & Schirm, V. (1995). Music as a nursing intervention for residents with Alzheimer's disease in long-term care. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 16(2), 79-83.

Saunders, E.J. & Saunders, J.A. (2000). Evaluating Effectiveness of Art Therapy through a Quantitative, Outcomes-focused Study. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 27, 99-106.

Schmitt, B. & Frolich, L. (2007). Creative Therapy Options for Patients with Dementia – A Systematic Review. Fortschr Neurology Psychiatry, 75, 699-707.

Scholzel-Dorenbox, C.J.M.; Ettema, T.P.; Bos, J.;Boelens-van der Knoop, E.; Gerritsen, D.L.; Hoogeveen, F.; de Lange, J.; Meihuizen, L. & Droes, R-M. (2007). Evaluating the outcome of interventions on quality of life in dementia: selection of the appropriate scale. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 22, 511-519.

Seifert, L.S. (2000). Customized Art Activities for Individuals with Alzheimer-Type Dementia. Activities, Adaptation & Aging, 24(4), 65-74.

Seifert L.S. & Baker M.K. (2002). Art and Alzheimer-Type Dementia A Longitudinal Study. Clinical Gerontologist, 26(1/2), 3-15.

Seifert L.S. & Baker M.K. (1998). Procedural skills and art production among individuals with Alzheimer's-type dementia. Clinical Gerontologist, 20(1), 3-14.

Sherratt, K; Thornton, A.; & Hatton, C. (2004a). Music Interventions for people with dementia: A Review of the Literature. Aging and Mental Health, 8(1), 3-12.

Sherratt, K; Thornton, A.; & Hatton, C. (2004b). Emotional and behavioral responses to music in people with dementia: an observational study. Aging and Mental Health, 8(3), 233-241.

Shore, A. (1997). Promoting Wisdom: the role of art therapy in geriatric settings. Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association,14(3), 172-177.

Smith-Marchese, M. (1994). The effects of participatory music on the reality orientation and sociability of Alzheimer's residents in a long-term care setting. Activities, Adaptation & Aging, 18(2), 41-55.

Smith, G.H. (1986). A comparison of the effects of three treatment interventions on cognitive functioning of Alzheimer patients. Music Therapy, 6A(1), 41-56.

Snow, S., Damico, M.& Tanguay, D. (2003). Therapeutic theatre and wellbeing. Arts in Psychotherapy, 30(2), 73-82.

Spendlove, C. (1997). In tune with clients. Nursing Times, 93(50), 58-59.

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